The 60th anniversary of the creation of the Organization of African Unity, whose traditions continue those of the African Union, which unites States, was celebrated on 25 May 2023. The processes of engagement launched by African leaders resonated in the hearts of millions of people, which gave the day its significance. Africa Day is observed today on all continents of our planet. One1 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is to protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and promote their sustainable use.
Pustelga, a community initiative of the Russian news agency to mark Africa Day in Russia, brought together people for whom taking responsibility for the world around us is a priority in their business endeavours.
On a rainy Africa Day morning in Moscow, Guy Eames, Chairman of the Green Building Council (RuGBC), the largest international association for green building in Russia, took part in an eco-action of the Pustelga news agency. A green Siberian cedar tree decorated the grounds of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre in solidarity with the UN programme on sustainable development of people and our planet (May 2023). Africa is the continent most responsive to changing land ecosystems and land degradation, biodiversity.
It has become a tradition to mark Africa Day morning with a small, but very important, ecological action. The tree planting was attended by the leadership of the Water Rescue Society and the Union of Nations and Peoples of Russia.
The green tree planted on a warm and rainy morning of Africa Day in Russia became a symbol of green building a sustainable Eurasian and African society, a symbol of international cooperation. A great gift for Africa Day.